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Too many names. Justice is blind. And they are praying that the Holy Ghost will come and just change these men.They pray for a while, and then the congregation sits back down. They trust -- who was it?I want to say it was Biggs. You racist!All of it treks back to the same agents of chaos.All of it!When -- when are we going to get this, and all of us, Republican, Democrats, and independents say, to hell with politics. Glenn Beck's quick wit, candid opinions and engaging personality have made this one of the most popular radio programs in America. It is so satisfying.He's the first person that I have heard. We have Iran, and Iran is now in negotiations with Russia. You know, if there was like a -- I don't know. Literally, what is she?Boy, girl. And they're now starting to build their own nuclear arsenals.South Koreans are in strong support of building an independent nuclear force. GLENN: I got to talk to this man, before the end of the week, I have to do it. And getting it to bomb ready. I have never seen a witness blatantly lie under oath, like Dr. Shogan has just done to this committee, stonewalled this committee, and just repeatedly just refused to answer my questions about her own posts that are in public. You need 90 percent purity.They say this is, if it hasn't happened yet, we are within days of them being able to enrich plutonium.Or uranium. So I want to know where that -- where does that line end with him?STU: And what are we doing wrong, right?GLENN: Correct. Glenn Beck Call In Number: 888-727-2325 Glenn Beck is one of America's leading multi-media personalities. And so they withdrew from the tournament, because they said, we believe playing against an opponent with a biological male, jeopardizes the fairness of the game, the safety of our players, and allowing biological males to participate in women and children's sports, sets a bad precedent for the future of women's sports in general.Good for them.STU: I mean, some school eventually is going to be smart enough to just go out there, and recruit a whole team of dudes.And just go out there and just kick everybody's butt. Yeah, you.You in the purple jacket. I'm like, Mr. King. ET. And I still know what's going on, and I know what's about to happen. Nobody else has seen it yet. Today, just a few years later, he owns his own television network, his radio show can be heard across the country on nearly 500 stations, his books reach the top of bestseller lists and he travels across the country performing his live stage show to sold-out audiences. They're all looking for their own power, and they're all trying to silence anyone who disagrees with them.What is causing the stress in your life?According to the latest poll everything!Because you don't know what will happen tomorrow! But we've already warned him. Remember, the national archives are now saying, this document here is very triggering.Yes, if you're King George III, it shouldn't be triggering to you now. I liked you when I was on the air, when I was a kid. They take care of those families.But they also are teaching our -- our elementary school kids and our high school kids and probably many more, what 9/11 really was, discovering heroes. What is it? While their local retail competition was driven into bankruptcy.Trump supporters were forced to attend the funerals of their loved ones on Zoom. About Glenn Beck The Glenn Beck Program Weekdays 9 AM - 12 PM Glenn Beck is a leading American media personality, political commentator, author, and co-founder of Blaze Media, a multiplatform news and entertainment network available on television, radio, and the internet. In fact, Senator Hawley, used Shogan's tweets, PROVED before the committee that she was lying to them all UNDER OATH! Please, donate, and help them do their job. Two.The -- the problem with fentanyl is just the beginning. You care about skin color, you have become the racist.So now, they're -- imagine where this is going.Now if you're pro-life, the college of OB-GYN doesn't want you.What will that lead to, when there's no one in that crew saying, wait a minute, can we -- can we step on the brakes here for a second?The FBI, medicine. After a brand-new Stu does America!I think it's interesting -- I'm interested to hear Jerry Boykin's perspective on this. It's like regular people for me. It is a private Q and A, exclusively only for Blaze TV subscribers.And the reason why we do it, only for Blaze TV subscribers, is because I don't want -- I -- it's not for public consumption.It's for us. This is crazy.Well, there are two bills to impeach him. In 2002, he launched The Glenn Beck Program on just 47 stations with the mission to make listeners "feel goodness from my show . Plus 100,000 AM/FM radio stations featuring music, news, and local sports talk. Because she left it all open. That is doing shot put. That was one of the things they would use as the defense back in the day. Now they won't even make the argument, because they won't let themselves use the word.We are screwed up.GLENN: Let me ask you something. King. Why is that?BLM. Yeah. Glenn Beck - one of America's leading multi-media personalities - is host and star of the national radio show The Glenn Beck Program, and is the founder and owner of TheBlaze, a 24/7 news, information and opinion network that is available on television and online. As you drift away at night, you'll wake up in the morning, refreshed. Storytelling, insight and compelling perspective on American culture and politics. There's like 41 sponsors.That's it.Wait. His quick wit, candid opinions and engaging personality have made The Glenn Beck Program the third highest rated radio program in America and Glenn Beck, one of the most successful new shows on the Fox News Channel. Across all of these mediums, Beck connects with his fans in a whole new way, inspiring and entertaining them with his humor, hard-hitting interviews and honest tales about his life. or the DNC. Becks radio show, The Glenn Beck Program, is syndicated by Premiere Radio Networks and is the third highest-rated national radio talk show among adults ages 25 to 54. Here are the TOP 13 quotes capturing Glenn's best radio moments this week. That's what they used to say. GLENN: Let me give you a couple of stories here that I think are -- say everything that you need to say.There's a new poll out. Or nothing changes.You can feel vindicated, you can feel good. And shut it down. The emperor has no clothes.More in just a second. The Glenn Beck Program - News Radio 610 WTVN Listen On-Air On-Air Schedule The Brandon Boxer Show Matt McCoy's Sports Blog Glenn Beck Clay & Buck Mark Blazor The Sean Hannity Show The Mark Levin Show Ron Wilson What Matters with Mindy and Mikaela Coast to Coast AM with George Noory The Pension Group: Your Money Matters Russian hackers are not being stopped. And have the courage to say, it's just not true.I'm sorry. I mean, this is a very ultra competitive world there. Okay. Elton John. Something in their waistbands as well.So he's up there. You know, the rate at which they're solving them.It dropped from 71 percent, to an all-time low of 50 percent. I was among the 600,000 who saw him in 2010 at the Lincoln Memorial. 2023 MERCURY RADIO ARTS.ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. Oh, the outrage.She was telling the kids, try -- try being gay. I'm going to show you some things from this week, from a couple of hearings, that I just -- I mean, I cheer.We are actually starting to find a spine in this country.And that is so great! 9:00 p.m. BlazeTV. All right. Wait is THAT what we are doing in Ukraine? But that's the way it's happening at MyPillow.Technology changes over time. Retweet a post, ban assault weapons now. Because you've testified under oath, that you only posted about your dog, sports teams, and novels. But the moment of last resort is right now. And it was with Aleksandr Dugin. As I just mentioned, I have met him before.GLENN: I know. We shouldn't have allowed that. Why not take four.Anyway.There might be a reason why I'm an alcoholic. 's lap.STU: That's an opening line right there.GLENN: And I shoved her out of the way, and I sat on his lap, and it was very nice. But we have expanded our reach, dramatically in the last about three years.And I can't --STU: And our waistlines.GLENN: And our waistlines. Huh.She was putting books into the classroom, that were not in the curriculum, an LGBTQI2. That is worth it. And the Wuhan lab. That's racist.And Elon Musk came out yesterday and said, yeah. Talk to me. We had a little blip in the '50s, where we were putting people like Dalton Trump in jail. So it has no reason to threaten nuclear war. Within 18 months, Premiere Radio Networks, the leading radio syndication company in the country, offered Glenn the opportunity to go national. Have Joy. And it is causing chaos. We will never know.Agents of chaos. And it turns out, that some things that got invented now, can make your sleep even better.It's temperature-regulating thread.Mike Lindell found out about it, and he immediately had to have it in his pillows. Glenn Beck is one of Americas leading radio and television personalities. Okay.So we're doing that. His web site,, receives millions of visitors a month. Glenn Beck's quick wit, candid opinions and engaging personality have made this one of the most popular radio programs in America. If you have a Chernobyl accident, from fighting, you could have -- it would just be a global catastrophe. But also acknowledging it. And then there was male/female. A man in his '40s.STU: Oh, it was the best time of my life. And its easy to define. And he's seeing this. They say this is all about diversity. We've got a lot to do today. Beck is also the star of a live stage show, the publisher of Fusion magazine and the editor of "I believe Thomas Jefferson was right. It's the MyPillow 2.0. Hopefully, this debate will be strong enough, that maybe even I would change my mind. And knowing, oh, boy. You had locked your Twitter account, before you came before this committee. Theyre only concerned about their own power, he explains, and theyll shut down anyone who disagrees. He's never been a political guy.I don't -- that's not what he does.GLENN: He's Weird Al Yankovic.STU: I know. That pastor coming out from behind that -- that podium, and seeing him. So there's no arms treaty between the US for the first time since 1972 between the US and Russia.On February 19th, it was reported that the international atomic energy agency inspectors caught Iran enriching uranium to 84 percent purity. Glenn reveals where he lands after he hears from both sides of the debate. I've been to meet and greets. You know it, and I know it.Because this antiracist nonsense states that. Therefore, Ukraine does not actually exist. Because I think to summarize it as, does he agree with what the Biden administration is doing, is probably completely unfair.GLENN: No. War continues to loom, especially now with the worlds most sinister nations Russia, China, Iran, North Korea, and others working toward strengthened nuclear programs with the West as target #1. Glenn Beck joined FOX News Channel (FNC) in 2008. You keep saying there's only two genders. Is now banning pro-life doctors.So, again, this is like banning your free speech. On February 27, 2023, a video of Biden announcing a new national draft, in which 20-year-olds would be conscripted into military service, began making its rounds on the internet. Bring it home!STU: It was fantastic. It was fantastic. It was a very, very funny way. I -- I want to -- I want to go back to what we were talking about. And all that bullcrap, that you knew was bullcrap. A recent poll from the State Policy Network Survey shows that Americans are BEYOND worried about nearly everything: Food affordability and shortages, inflation, rising energy prices, and possible nuclear war. Theres a great evil happening in our country, Glenn says. Storytelling, insight and compelling perspective on American culture and politics. But Amazon, its original investor. He's like, hey, you. I can't hear you. I don't know. Something is about to happen. And they'll cap them themselves with their atomic bombs. Beck inherited the 18th placed position at WFLA-AM and took it to the #1 position in his first year, giving the station its highest ratings ever. Okay. Excuse me?Someone must pay the price, for what is happening in our society. In my opinion, the West is the source of absolute evil. I don't want anybody to freak out. Superintendent Jennifer Quinn and the school's principle both admitted to the parents in a meeting, that they knew Rosenquist was peddling this mentality in the classroom.But because she was -- because she was tender. What's the cause of that problem? Well, let me start here. It's the worst thing that can happen. Founded in 2002, Mercury has a full time staff of 20 employees and is based in New York, NY. Huh.By the way, national clearance rates for rape, were 30 percent.So you've got a 70 percent chance of getting away with rape. Keep your store open there in Portland. Beck also hosts acclaimed live-events, oversees the fashion brand 1791 and is the publisher And you know it, or our children would not be dying from fentanyl overdoses at the rate they are.The border is not secure. I told you so!Yet, nothing changes. Glenn Beck believes that whatever the case is, it is the most dangerous part about the lab-leak theory finally being outed as true. But it was so good. Get the buy one, get one free offer. But we don't talk about that. What kind of hassles have they had in their life?Shut up! China and Russia.They have already dismissed us, and anything we claim on OPEC. Lost limbs.The police officers and the fire department, that are critically injured or die. Looked at the congregation. Weird Al is a legend. And trying not to be canceled. Listening. They put their hands on the back of these guys. Glenn Beck's quick wit, candid opinions and engaging personality have made this one of the most popular radio programs in America. No. Our government is complicit in the trafficking of the drugs. Well, I don't know. Those tweets were in my personal capacity.VOICE: No, no, no. Okay?50 percent.Now, it's called homicide clearance rates, when they clear a murder. So great!However, we have to do more than cheer and yell at people. Podcast. Oh, take two. A couple hundred bucks. You know, I take handfuls of it, and it doesn't do anything for me. Tenured, they couldn't do anything about it.Gee, teacher's unions. Will you make them available?VOICE: My social media is in my personal capacity.VOICE: Mr. Chairman, I have to tell you, this is the most extraordinary thing I have seen in my brief time in the Senate. His previous title, An Inconvenient Book, was a #1 non-fiction bestseller and went through a remarkable nine printings. And I want you to feel comfortable, asking any question.And I want to feel comfortable answering any question. You're familiar with this process.GLENN: Is it worth, let's say $500 -- you're not going with a crowd. We'll leave that aside for now.Is that a post about your dog or sports teams? You can't do that. I love Weird Al.GLENN: Did you go backstage to meet him?STU: No. To buy the intercontinental ballistic missiles from Russia. . I bet it would have been a couple hundred bucks. People's lives. It's in Ferguson. The take down was SO SATISFYING, Glenn says, but it will likely amount to NOTHING. But I feel time is running short. For what he believed.But other than that, we've been pretty good. I mean, if you need my wife to make you some lasagna, bring it over, I'll personally put it on the fork and feed it to you. No.Because what's happening is, more people are being made racist, just against a different race.I thought the objective here was to stop racism. Click HERE to subscribe to Glenn Beck: Click HERE to subscribe to BlazeTV: Not enough is being done. Made with temperature-regulating technology, 100 percent made in the USA, the pillow comes with a ten-year warranty and a 60-day money-back guarantee. They may be encouraged. I don't know what his politics are. Just try it out. So let's pray on these four.And he turns to the young men. The U.S. Department of Energy confirmed earlier this week that the COVID-19 lab leak theory likely was the actual cause of the pandemic (no, DUH!). Chinese lab leak, I think, because they're playing a war game with China.If China wasn't thinking about arming Russia, they would be saying this. They don't want any diversity. Glenn's wit, candor, and commanding on-air presence have earned him the loyal support Glenn Beck Read More And subscribe now with the promo code Glenn. Well, they would like you to understand between 1919 -- sorry, 2019 and 2020, law enforcement solved 1200 more homicides than the previous year.Wait a minute. Think Chinese. 149,637 talking about this. Why?Because you don't arrest anybody who is stealing. Oh, they're so boring.But just tolerate it, because the stuff in the vault is really cool. Count on the American people. All Republicans.I mean, just crazy stuff, that she just tweeted out.And so she made her Twitter feed, private, the day before she went to the hearing.And they only had a couple of her tweets. Do you remember in Ukraine, where this nuclear complex came under Russian control for a while?And everybody was worried that they were going to destabilize it, and use it. But the pastor and his congregation used quick thinking and PRAYER to stop the potential travesty. This is -- this is a woman testifying yesterday in front of Congress, two of her children were killed by fentanyl. I don't like you.STU: Right. It's amazing. Is he taking that seriously? Who I might just ask, all the data has said, is extremely harmful to children, these mask requirements. Because we have a lack of faith in the truth of God. The G.O.P. Mental health issues are another consequence of long-term fear.Given the rise in mental health conditions, and the way we engage in political discussions in the US, it might be fair to say, we aren't dealing with our fears, particularly well.And listen to this: And need to find ways to cut off sources, that feed them, for political gain or profit.What -- what does that mean, exactly? Your kids are going to get lost, to riots in the streets, and everything else.And the collapse of the US government happens, and that's the final straw. Correct.STU: Even if that mission is correct, what are we screwing up?GLENN: By the way, the work that we're doing now at Blaze TV is so incredibly critical. What about hermaphrodites. I'm sorry.There's got to be another answer. After his departure from Fox in 2011, he began broadcasting with his Mercury Radio Arts, the parent company of his television and radio network, TheBlaze. But I do want to understand their side of it. Vladimir Putin announced on the 21st, that they were suspending the participation and the new start. They're trying to pass it now.And it prohibits political activity by federal employees, to prohibit the use of official authority to influence or coerce any interactive computer service. Okay?Now, I want to give you just a little thing on just to urge you to understand what we may be facing. You racist!How dare you. The Glenn Beck Program Play Newest Follow Storytelling, insight and compelling perspective on American culture and politics. The Glenn Beck Program . The U.S. Department of Energy confirmed earlier this week that the COVID-19 lab leak theory likely was the actual cause of the pandemic (no, DUH!). Both of them.STU: You loved them.GLENN: I loved them. But he uses the word hermaphrodite in it. And he looks at them, and says, lift your voice up to God.Pray with us, will you? Posted on February 24, 2023 by Constitutional Nobody. Videos; I'm neither. Whatever you need. King.And, you know, I walk in, and he doesn't even look up for me. Who sent you here? But we're reimagining things.No. More Less Storytelling, insight and compelling perspective on American culture and politics. This time around, the former Fox News host turned conservative media mini-mogul said Wednesday afternoon,. He previously hosted a phenomenally successful show on Fox News and CNNs Headline News.

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