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It occurs in Chapter 22, after Holden has slipped quietly back into his apartment and is speaking with Phoebe. $24.99 Our summaries and analyses are written by experts, and your questions are answered by real teachers. Salinger also shows his symbolism from other works through the work of Mark Twain. As a result, he has isolated himself and fears intimacy. Of all the places in the novel where Holden discusses his hat, the most famous and recognizable symbol in the book, this is probably the most enlightening. In any language there exists generally accepted tradition of word combinations, which do not coincide with the corresponding tradition of word combinations in the other languages. (Chapter 16, page 121) Holden also mentions that he is troubled by the fact that he has changed every time he returns to them. This brief passage occurs in Chapter 3, after Holden has returned to his dorm room and is being pestered by Ackley. Translation difficulties and lexical pecularities are the main points of an analyses. His response makes sense, given what we already know about Holden: he prefers to retreat into his own imaginary view of the world rather than deal with the complexities of the world around him. Historical Context Essay: Mental Health in the Mid-Twentieth Century, Literary Context Essay: Vernacular Language & The Catcher in the Rye. J. D. Salingers secluded lifestyle had its share of contribution and impact on the very popularity he has rejected and the implicit controversy. She's got the stuff. Salinger'sThe Catcher in the Ryehas served as a firestorm for controversy and debate. Salinger's writing style is pointed out through a very open and explicit way. One must remember, however, in the study and critique of the novel, particularly for a researcher or critic in 1996 that the story was written in a different time. Contemporary met narratives were becoming less relevant in light of the implications of World War I, the rise of trade unionism, a general social discontent, and the emergence of psychoanalysis. In literature and writing, a stylistic device is the use of any of a variety of techniques to give an auxiliary meaning, idea, or feeling to the literal or written. What is possible in one language maybe impossible in another because of its difference in semantic structure and its usage? An idiom in the source language may have a very close counter part in the target language which looks similar on the surface but has a totally or partially different meaning. The author used in his novel the comparison to show to the reader the variety and difference in Holdens thoughts. Hes trying to get across that Holden hates conflict, hes confused by Allies senseless death, and he fears interaction with other people. collected. Contextual meaning of a word is always effective semantically and stylistically owing to its unexpectedness as well. By entering your email address you agree to receive emails from SparkNotes and verify that you are over the age of 13. Those which are easily recognizable include expressions which violate truth conditions. Latest answer posted March 19, 2020 at 11:46:52 PM. In this research the researcher tries to highlight the problems of the translators hesitation of translating the third-person pronoun, which the gender is not obvious, from Romanian to English. Some game. When comparing the grammatical categories and forms of English and other languages are identify the following differences: Absence of conforming form, partial correspondence, differences in character and use urge translators to make necessary grammatical transformations while translating some piece. What did holden write stadlater's composition about in The Catcher in the Rye? Why is it ironic? This is the main cause of the prohibition of this novel in some schools; but in the other side, there are a big number of schools and teachers that recommend this book as an obligatory reading. Holden watches from the hill because he doesn't want to go down and see the students. At this work, Salinger uses the technique of the interior monologue; this procedure reinforces the little stream of consciousness of Holden (we can appreciate his way of thinking). Latest answer posted April 29, 2021 at 3:04:20 PM. American Literature books summary. We can see that it were negative comments, hard criticsMany critics told that there wasnt any novel that went into the adolescence as this Salingers work. ; Young goats, their meat, or leather made from their hides. In translation from English to other languages it is faced the conflict of two completely different cultures, levels of development, customs and traditions. Lexical transformations are also caused by necessity to concretize a word while translating. The museum presents him with a vision of life he can understand: it is frozen, silent, and always the same. Other types are derivations from one of the other meanings that lead to a verb or activity. Holden's curiosity about where the ducks go during the winter reveals a genuine, more youthful side to his character. Holden questions why he should still be here, when he brother, who was smarter and kinder than him should be dead. Once an idiom or fixed expression has been recognized and interpreted correctly, the next step is to decide how to translate it into the target language. He fought in war. There is another kind of stylistic transformation actualization which involves transition of something simple into something unusual, strange. These characteristics frustrate Holden, and they make Stradlater . Like hell it is. I took it off and looked at it. The following example point out that the writers style is so rich and full of different devices from which can be deduced the next translation difficulties which are find out from the novel during the process of analyzing the both variants of the novel English and Romanian: Related with the informal nature stated, it must also point out the absence of any type of logical structure in Holdens discourse. Does Holden hate Stradlater? He leaves abruptly, as though trying to escape the torment of his environment. Paradigmatic and semantic relations are characteristic to any words and the lexical potential of words can be revealed in both cases. When studying the reality of some object can be identify that its name reveals its functions which finds the reflection in the semantics of the word. He rebels against such society and system because he is unfit for it and he is unable to achieve things from this type of social system. Phraseologisms or expressions that would aspire at becoming so are formed in huge quantities, but do not always succeed. A lot of literary critics saw in this novel an advance of the crazies Sixties, with rebel and revolutionary young people who didnt understand the fabulous society that adults had build. Here, the question is not whether a given idiom is transparent, opaque, or misleading. Lexical cohesion is a relation that exists between or among specific elements of different sentences in a text and is achieved through the vocabulary. Salinger's language, especially his energetic, realistically sparse dialogue, was revolutionary at the time his first stories were published, and was seen by several critics as "the most distinguishing thing" about his work, During the investigation of this paper was identifying that J. D. Salingers style was marked by different themes, techniques that were used for achieving a good work such as J. D. Salingers The Catcher in the Ray., After researching this paper it was established that: Lexical peculiarities - are the stylistic devices used by the author in his work. Beyond the notion stressed by the narrowly linguistic approach, that translation involves the transfer of `meaning' contained in one set of language signs through competent use of the dictionary and grammar, the process involves a whole set of extra-linguistic criteria also. Most of the novel describes his almost manic quest for companionship as he flits from one meaningless encounter to another. There are various types of idioms, some more easily recognizable than others. This admission of the difficulties of writing only adds to the realism of the novel. They sought to capture the essence of modern life in the form and content of their work. They argued that Salinger's concerns represented an entire generation of American youth, frustrated by the phoniness of the world, just like Holden was. I wondered if some guy came in a truck and took them away to a zoo or something. Translators false friends result from transferring the sounds of a source language word literally into the target language. Another important type of translation difficulty that was used by the author in his writing The Catcher in the Rye is abbreviation that is a kind of shortening of the words through cutting one of the part of the word and using the apostroph for joining two words, that is the type which create a lot of problem in the prosses of translation.. Therse exemples of translation difficulties used by the author in his vovel The Catcher in the Ray shows to the reader that the writer tried to combine in his work different features of the period in which he activated that is Modernism and some important features of the previous period which is Realism. Salinger uses symbols to show the turning point of the characters lives. I tried to rub it off with my hand again, but this one was scratched on, with a knife or something. With our Essay Lab, you can create a customized outline within seconds to get started on your essay right away. Of course, Holden himself is guilty of both these crimes. .of becoming dangerously convoluted and static, Lodge implicitly challenges critics to revisit and reassess Salingers body of work. Idioms and fixed expressions which contain culture-specific items are not necessarily untranslatable. After a dry and unappetizing steak dinner in the dining hall, Holden gets into a snowball fight with some of the other Pencey boys. How did Holden know Stradlater's date, Jane Gallagher? As it turns out, Ackley and Brossard have already seen the film, so the trio simply eats some burgers, plays a little pinball, and heads back to Pencey. They sought to capture the essence of modern life in the form and content of their work. Holden has isolated himself in an attempt to be his own savior, but Mr. Antolini's image of falling presents a more accurate image of what awaits Holden on the other side of the cliff. It thus reveals the weaknesses of Holden's romantic outlook. So it is the central. One of the fist stylistic devices that were used by the author in his novel The Cather in the Ray is characters speech. The conversation in which Mr. Antolini speaks these words takes place in Chapter 24. In translation, both the source language and the target one are important. Holden has to be in the mood to do anything. The Oxford Advanced Learners Dictionary, Sixth Edition, Oxford University Press 2007; For this reason, the translator plays an important role as a bilingual or multi-lingual cross-cultural transmitter of culture and truths by attempting to interpret concepts and speech in a variety of texts as faithfully and accurately as possible. In this case, the provided solutions are not the explanation of the sense of phraseologisms that, in the compilers intentions, should serve to translate them into the other language. Yes, Holden agrees with Stradlater to write composition for him because he decided to make a deal with the society. It should be mention that this research work represents a great theoretical value for those willing to take up their future carrier in the field of translations as invaluable reference to the methods and the ways of translation of literary masterpieces. Edward Sapir claims that `language is a guide to social reality' and that human beings are at the mercy of the language that has become the medium of expression for their society. The modern world's general moral change and the individual's alienation from the society serve. Most translation theorists agree that translation is understood as a transfer process from a foreign languageor a second languageto the mother tongue. The third problem is the use of bilingual dictionaries. His random and repeated lying highlights his own self-deceptionhe refuses to acknowledge his own shortcomings and is unwilling to consider how his behavior affects those around him. Nevertheless such cases are not always losses in translation. Salinger. The popularity of the novel and debate over its redeeming social value have never faltered since its initial publication, due in no large part to the fact that J.D. As there are no equivalent expressions in the target language, the nuances of this kind taken from the whole novel are lost in Romanian translation.

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why does holden write the composition for stradlater
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