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One of the first things I learned when I moved to L.A. is that writers do not dress professionally for big meetings in Hollywood. Fashionably elegant and sophisticated. His pants are simple and narrow and reach down to his hard leather shoes. Thank you for reading our blog! The appearance of armor was a big deal for knights. Either way, their goal is to be desirable, whatever desirable means in this situation. That's why it's valuable to learn these terms. Both can lose clout simply by the way their peers respond to their wardrobe choices. Yet Dr. Urbinos status as a respected doctor is earned he has nothing to prove by dressing smarter. - Convert future clothing to a historic version. Another might claim power by striding in wearing torn jeans and a tank top. But for writers like me who get stuck in the white socks, green dress rut, heres a quick reminder: Details about fabric, fit, quality, and color are super effective when it comes to creating a sense of character, place, or moment. One specific form of descriptive writing that particularly affects setting and characterization is the portrayal of characters' clothing. Or it could be that they want to be charmed by their own image when they look in the mirror. The Victorian author Charles Dickens is widely regarded as a master of characterization, for good reason. As for showing with clothing rather than telling, a writer could say, He was lazy and inattentive to his appearance about a character, or they could say his clothes always looked like hed just pulled them out of a pile in some corner of his bedroom and had thrown them on without a glance in the mirror. Thus his plain dress is, ironically, indicative of higher status. Think noble King Arthur and his knights of the roundtable. Maybe theyre hoping to impress the cool kids or please their parents. 28 First of all, beautiful dress and mask! Consider this example from Hard Times. It took a while to get ready, with the help of somebody else needed, usually squires, who began with the feet and worked up from there. But as the show moved forward the suit got more ragged the jacket was open, then gone, the shirt cuffs undone, half the buttons undone and I think by the end when he was on the cross the shirt was gone. Well come to this below. The clothes a person wears tellsus many things: their status in life, for example, or their cultural affiliation or identity. The surrounding culture dictates what they cant wear if they want to be seen as free-thinking individuals. Through fashion terms you can understand the fundamentals of the fashion industry. As I write this, I am wearing jeans that are too big, a gray t-shirt I inherited from a former roommate, and a pilled hoodie from a lighting vendor that works with my friends husbands company. The eye slits were narrow to prevent all sizes of arrowheads from finding their way through. From lowly serfs to great warriors, all could wear and fight effectively in chainmail. Those warriors came from the people who lived on the lands under the watch of the knights. Have fun with it. for any particular parts of an outfit. But Ive also noticed that artful clothing description does make a character, a setting, and even a moment more engaging. This includes things like a pilots uniform, a tiara, or a Pink Ladies jacket. ), Your character and communitys financial resources. Your articles are always very informative. Make it look very clean and smooth and it immediately feels more modern. Youre already obsessing over hat styles and what the undergarment situation was at the time of your story. If youre good at talking clothes, you can sit this one out. 2023 NOW NOVEL CC. Make them earn any sightof skin, Aunt P always said. If you tell your readers about Nanettes light pink cardigan and string of pearls, you dont have to say much about the shoes and skirt and silk blouse. Continued successes could see knights rise higher up the ranks. Like Dostoyevsky, think how something as small as a characters change of clothing can affecttheir own or others behaviour. However, you can show and imply a characters intention without spelling it out: Theyd agreed to meet downtown at six. I mean what your character wears provides a clue to how they see themselves, how they want to be seen, and even how others see them. It would have been extremely warm too. I'll allow my fangirl side to shine for a second and use the Legend of Korra as an example of how mixing styles can work amazingly well. Or are you writing a spy character who dons Lululemon to infiltrate an upscale yoga studio? Clothing tells your reader a lot about your characters goals and motivations within a given scenario. Another benefit to chain mail, a point which can slip the mind of writers, is that it was cheap and efficient, able to accommodate different-sized warriors, unlike expensive plated armor. Your character might also have a job or hobby that requires protective clothing. Really, the topic of this article is not how to describe clothing in writing as much as it is how to tell a story with clothes. Theyre just too important defensively. 1. So its unsurprising to see soldiers wielding swords and axes and shooting bows. Other clothing pieces could be various types of hats and scarves, (trench) coats and even something as simple as pockets or buttons used for fastening rather than as decoration to name just a few. Another important function of clothing description in stories is to create an authentic sense of time and place. Press J to jump to the feed. The details create an authentic sense of a prominentcardinals dressin the 1500s. They can be important too.If you want to breathe life into your stories, it's time to give tertiary characters a little love. If you stopped to think about it, you may even notice yourself imagining things as specific as age, hobbies, and ambitions. Consider whether your characters attire might serve as a symbol, highlight a theme, or represent a conflict. Lots of gear would have been looted. It's easy to try this out too, at least the simple line version. The rope belt is solely decorative and a status symbol. Such simple things, but the clothes really helped show Jesus plight. For a bigger image, just click on the link above. This is further influenced/confirmed by the show Forged in Fire where the judges were a half step from putting their heads in their hands when a smith put his hot blade in water instead of oil to cool it down. The tragedy of Azincourt, for example, occurred because of a poorly-chosen battleground that had flooded. When heated, steel turns from yellow, to brown, to blue, to red. The last minute change suggests an indecisive nature. Is this purely for cinematic effect or would some leaders remove their helmets to show their faces to their soldiers? True, it all depends on your purpose. This is great! In my case my character is new in town and this description of clothing doesnt come until hes getting ready for the party in chapter 4 and its in the context of getting dressed, there are reasons behind it, the party is a very big deal for him getting his foot in the door with other teens in town and he wants to be impressive or maybe wants lot of attention with all the sparklies. Not quite. Stylish. Whereas a more confident or attention seeking person might seek out the edges of what's socially acceptable more or just wear more stylish and potentially more colorful or flamboyant clothing. That was the theory. You can try all Dabbles premium features for free for fourteen days. Baggy jeans. Details about fit, cut, and material go a long way when describing the clothing of a character who longs to attract. Im writing a little in the Epic Fantasy genre and there were quite a few useful notes I wasnt aware of here. Vividly describing the colors of your character's clothing can enliven ordinary writing. Blunt weapons were effective, causing haemorrhaging and concussion, so padded garments known as a doublet or gambeson were worn underneath to provide added protection. Pingback: Fantasy Weapons - Medieval, Magic And Other Types - Richie Billing, Helping writers on their journey and readers find their next favourite story.. Using a squared, pixelated look or circuitry patterns usually works great too, which can even be combined with layered clothing to create the circuitry feel. I have a hard time describing my thoughts on content, but I really felt I should here. )Secrets might not be something youve specifically thought about when youre drafting a story. The jacket has a narrow, rectangular neckline which reveals part of the fancy shirt worn below it and is worn with a light rope belt, which is held together by a simple knot. The reason we fuss over physical descriptions is not because its so important that the readers imagination gets it right. Read these tips on how (and why) to describe clothes with examples from well-known novels: 1: Use clothing to show status and position 2: Build (or thwart) character expectations with clothing descriptions 3: Describe clothing to contrast characters' personalities 4: Show clothing to avoid over-relying on telling The final design with all its layers will often hide elements of the clothing that a client may want to see later. Whenever other races or species are involved, like elves and trolls, it's often best to give them clothing that differs from whatever humans (and other races) wear, even if those differences are subtle. For more information, please see our William the Conquerors society was shaped with war in mind. Beyond medieval Europe, you have the Far East, the Romans, Viking Before you know it youll have designed a full set of fantasy roman or viking armor. Maybe their goal is to entice a mate. We have all sorts of headphone designs to reflect our clothing styles and just wearing or not wearing a headphone will completely change how a character is often perceived. Other elements you could include are mood-based changes (exists today), clothing that uses lights or glowing elements (exists today), clothing that can be repaired or changed on the go (exists today), smart technology woven into the fabric of clothing (exists today), changing colors (think chameleons) whenever you feel like it (exists today, kind of). Never hose for men and probably never puffy breeches. Thanks Liv, Im glad you found this helpful. Obviously clothing is extremely varied, especially dresses. Make sure you know whats hot and whats not in your specific setting, as well as what specific words the locals would use. Another type of cheap armor, one up from gambesons, was boiled leather, also known as cuir bouilli. Fancy dresses. Like Marquez, compare and contrast characters clothes to reveal important details about their social status or position. 80s-inspired. - Use nudity. One easy way of creating a more customized look is to simply use cultural elements in the standard clothing. We'll also take a look at female fantasy armor and those used by knights, potential designs, and ways to help you find inspiration for creating your own. Chapters 1 and 2 were pretty decent and I started chapter 4 with him dressing for the party. Great points. Help your readers feel the relaxed, organic cotton or the memory foam slipper, and theyll feel your characters priorities deep in their own souls. Maybe theyre wearing an article of clothing that once belonged to someone theyve lost. One way to deal with clothing is to not try to be unique. Great article. Is your character trying to attract positive attention? First and foremost, remember that clothing description is still storytelling. For example, fur usually wasn't used as a piece of decoration for clothing and if used at all was often worn around the neck and shoulders or underneath other (often hide) clothing to keep warm. PsstDoes Your Character Have a Secret? We therefore see in the fantasy genre characters equipped with grand helmets and beautiful pieces of plate armor. If all else fails use Google images and find some visual aids and inspiration sources, they can work wonders. How does their attire reflect what they want, what they fear, or where theyre going? But let's take a step back and look at what kind of clothing is usually associated with futuristic settings. When you use clothing to define who your character is, remember that it can also clarify how they feel about themselves and how they fit into the world around them. If you write historical fiction, youre probably way ahead of me. Figurative language . For instance, if I'm reading a story and the narrative mentions jeans right off, I'm thinking mid twentieth century or later (while dungarees would be late nineteenth . Maybe your character heads out on the town wearing a daring leopard print jumpsuit, only to have their best friend immediately ask where they got the kitty costume.. The important thing to remember is to remain in the character's point of view. Coats of plated armor soon came about, which consisted of a series of plates linked on top of one another. 70s-inspired. And of course, location provides a clue for what it takes to be comfortable in the world of your story. Privacy Policy. Your email address will not be published. If your character comes home and immediately sheds three layers of down and fleece, Im going to assume theyre not in San Antonio, Texas. The complete opposite is true for fantasy and historic clothing. I would be great to expand it with armor from other areas, Samurai armor, for example. Without decriptions of the clothing it's a bit boring, the novel becomes a list of people the reader can't imagine doing things. Be specific and accurate. In Gabriel Garcia Marquezs Love in the Time of Cholera (1985), we learn of a doctors status through his being the only person at an event who is not smartly dressed: Although it was not customary for invitations to request special attire, least of all for a luncheon in the country, the women wore evening gowns and precious jewels and most of the men were dressed in dinner jackets with black ties, and some even wore frock coats. Or at least they know what century theyre in. Youll be blown away by the number of awesome things on there. Characters Wear More Than Just Clothes. Its about building a life and a world, and that is something you can do. Now, if you write historical fiction, its important to research the clothing of your chosen era. One does not refer to "a garb". At the end of the day, they were professional slayers, swords for hire. Now this won't work for every piece of clothing of course, not everything has buttons or edges that allow for simple changes we don't already use today, so here are a few ways that are commonly used to make things look more futuristic: (Hopefully, I dont really know your life, so maybe not. Scarves as we know them today weren't really a thing in the middle ages (they were way different) and hoods pretty much came in the form of chaperons and liripipes (Google for reference if needed), not as part of a piece of clothing. Do not describe a character's clothing except as that point of view character would do so. ^.^ Further reading How To Write Fight Scenes. But it can also be fun to play with the confidence and ease that comes with wealth. To create a more futuristic looking style an easy way of doing it is to incorporate technology into the clothing itself. This article was very helpfulcan you post some examples of showing versus telling when describing clothing? But if you do want some guidelines, inspiration or just help this guide'll hopefully provide it. Added on top of that the condition that they had to supply him with soldiers too. Give your wealthy character a pair of Louboutins and dress your non-wealthy characters in hand-me-downs. The fact Gem goes with jeans and a tee could suggest that she trusts her aunts advice. Do your characters care deeply about looking respectable, or are they more afraid of putting on airs? The padded material could absorb blows from blunt, A Guide To Writing Stories That Genuinely Helps, "Helped me land my first book deal" - Jack Shannon, Author, Get More Writing Support From Fellow Fantasy Writers, A complete guide to worldbuilding, with a template. In the historical fiction books Ive read, none of the heroes took off their helmets unless they were knocked off, or bashed in. To navigate your way through this guide, just click the links below. Similarly, find out (or, if youre creating a fantasy world, create) the garments your characters would wear in a particular time and place. With historical fiction one interesting aspect is to bring back the reader to that time period. Clean, powerful strikes were needed to disable a foe wearing mail. Stylish: Elegant and sophisticated clothing to grab attention. Its okay if Todds checks his designer watch three pages after you mention his silk tie. This idea of knights becoming lords was introduced in England by William the Conqueror. As a friend told me, Wear jeans and glasses and have a favorite pen. Imagine your own armored knights storming through the battlefield like iron giants. Adorable. What I would like to ask is how you would go about describing very specific details on more complex clothing? Technology goes beyond simply what kind of clothes could be made though, it also relates to how technology is incorporated into style in general. Its a bit OCD of me. Are they overalls or coveralls? As such, the contemporary tales that have followed, like Lord of the Rings, Game of Thrones, Dungeons and Dragons and everything in between, have paid homage to that era. Because like all other character details, its not enough to paint a picture. Finally there's the aspect of fashion to take into account. Thanks I will be following your blog from now one I just came across it today. "A dress" (or using "the" to refer to a particular "garment") means an item of clothing that is normally worn by women. Examples of the prior are Star Trek, 2001: A Space Odyssey and to some degree Star Wars and Tron. - "Digital look". Most picture the knight when we talk about plated armorrigid tin men that can withstand all manner of blows. Trendy: Modern, fashionable, and up-to-date outfits. Adding them with intention can help increase tension, make twists hit that much harder, and keep your reader engaged., How to Describe Clothing in Writing Without Boring Everybody, Tertiary Characters: Giving Your Background Players Life, Sidekicks: The Loyal Companion Your Hero Needs. Its a good time. "White tunics" have been worn from 2016 to a good forty thousand years ago. And lets not forget the trusty steed. Chest plates had grand etchings. Use fashion and clothing history archives if necessary. One reason clothing descriptions can start to feel like a tedious laundry list (see what I did there?) I saw Jesus Christ Superstar a long time ago and Jesus was in a sharp black suit. All cultures have dress codes to some degree, some more so than others and some more stricter than others, but every culture has a range of styles that would be considered normal, 'out there' and unacceptable to most. As the battle continued through the day, a rumor grew that Harold had died or fled the field, I forget which. Baggy. How to Give Your Characters Style: Describing Clothing in Writing Written by MasterClass Last updated: Aug 19, 2021 3 min read Creating vivid descriptions for a story or character is a mark of a great writer. If done right you could even use these elements alone with clothing of today to sell a futuristic look. For fantasy stories to be more believable, we need to understand how it interacts with our characters, especially if theyre enchanted. These are usually a little trickier to do well as they can look familiar quickly, but it's a usually a good element to have at your disposal. If your protagonist is donning a tri-cornered hat, loosening a corset, or strutting through town in a new toga, your reader has a good sense of time period. And here are some great concepts for female fantasy armor. Clothing description in a story is useful because it often gives additional information about a character that you might otherwise tell. In reality, a medieval lord could pretty much do what they liked. How do they change, and how does their clothing reflect that change? Any suggestions on how to properly do this? But put me in a job interview wearing the same outfit, and youd probably start making new guesses about my intentions. All of these advancements will become more and more common as time goes on, so it'd make sense for them to be part of our clothing in the future. We see the contrast between the characters friends reaction and the advisory words of Gems aunt. These were worn on their own by those wanting greater speed and flexibility, but also by those unable to afford stronger armor. They work, they're safe and in many cases have become a standard. The pieces around the vital organsthe chest and headwere thicker and heavier than those on the arms and legs to try and reduce weight as much as possible. Abi Wurdeman is the author of Cross-Section of a Human Heart: A Memoir of Early Adulthood, as well as the novella, Holiday Gifts for Insufferable People. But they are a common element used in fantasy clothing in all sorts of works of fiction. You can also fulfil (or contradict) impressions your characters (or readers) form based on appearances. The image you create has to play a role in the narrative.Consider the character arc. Delighted to hear youre finding this useful. Do all your characters embrace it? Because it actually is possible. One of her poems is (legally) stamped into a sidewalk in Santa Clarita, California. Use the Character section of the Idea Finder to develop quick story ideas and flesh out your storys cast. Youre more than welcome to join us and wed love to have you on board. In some cases because they simply didn't have the technology for it, in others because it was too expensive and/or time consuming for the average person. And as a reader, nothing bores me like an entire paragraph of detailed clothing description. The first time I joined my family for our biannual Minnesota fishing trip after moving to L.A. from the Midwest, I found myself constantly losing my aunt and mother. With all that armor, its often assumed the medieval knight was immobile. It was my understanding that they quenched in oil, not water. The description will describe a lot of clothing pieces, some of which you may not need depending on where your character lives. (Huh.). An anxious college student buys a flower crown in the hopes of feeling young and free at Coachella. Understanding how to describe clothing in a story well will help you create fuller, richer character portraits. its obviously black with a centered zipper is easy but then the various pieces, the shapes, the colors, like two rows of this then a row of that, you get what I mean? You could introduce magical enchantments or ability-granting traits. Game of Thrones/A Song Of Ice And Fire is one series that wonderfully explores fantasy armor and weapons. It's part of culture, so it's definitely something to keep in mind since your fictional universes will have some form of culture as well. And medieval warfare was a bloody affair. Helpful links to blog posts, articles, videos and guides are shared every day. Youre working essential details into the narrative at the moment when they are most relevant. Clothes can betray our greatest joys and our deepest insecurities. show how hard is to escape in a narrow street. But your reader is going to picture something whether you guide them or not. I second the idea of describing the reactions of the characters to the city. For example, the corset wasn't popular until the 16th century and while earlier versions can be found incredibly early they weren't common place. One character might demonstrate their power by showing up to prom in a designer gown. What your character wears can tell us a lot about how they feel or how they want to feel. We often express ourselves through our clothing, at least when we have the freedom to do so, so knowing who we're designing for is the first step in creating the perfect outfit for a character. To navigate your way through this guide, just click the links below. Note that with the camouflage patterns it's best to use this style, but make them less randomized to avoid the military look, unless that's what you're going for of course. An owl, a real owl! Lets take a look at some ways you can develop those unique ideas: In this section, well take a look at some cool pieces of knight armor in fantasy that people have designed over the years, to give you even more inspiration for your own designs. - Use lines to break up a piece of clothing and create a kind of mosaic. 04. With the major shapes in the thumbnails defined, choose the one that best exemplifies the feeling you're looking for. I tried to add as much variety as possible, but without turning the whole description into a mess. Designing fantasy armor for your characters can be an awful lot of fun. You can even use different pieces of clothing to cover up body parts differently. Not all trends return and fashion isn't perfectly cyclical. Why this arguably works better is the details of getting dressed tell us multiple details about Gem. Showing what your characters are wearing can be a great way to show your readers what they might be up to that day without having to actually narrate anything. Like all forms of exposition, your goal is to deliver this information without pulling the reader out of the story. Or is it really important for a reader to know the specific pattern? Finally there's all the little things that can make an outfit look more futuristic. Advertisements. In other words: To describe a fantasy world, use either neutral terms, or made up words. As time marched on, small plates of leather or iron were added to the mail to protect key areas, such as vital organs. Strips of leather were boiled in water, though some sources record oil and wax being used, and even animal urine. These elements are very important when taking into account the previous point. Also his mother was poor and anyone who knew that might wonder how he could afford such clothing so it hints at the actual story. That fancy Ming dynasty dress looks completely different with exposed shoulders and that medieval set of pants look completely different if you turn them into shorts with exposed legs.

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how to describe fantasy clothing
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